Eating a dead rabbit wasn’t such a good idea after all

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On Friday evening Chili got a diarrhea and it didn’t stop till yesterday. I forgot to tell Jochem not to lock her in the crate for night and I didn’t make it on time to let her out. So we had a lot to clean. To make sure we will be able to take her outside fast enough I was sleeping on the couch with the dogs for last four nights. It definitely brought back memories of the first two months with Chili which I also spend on the couch. Because she was not getting much better I took her to the vet and she got medicine. And her problems where most likely caused by that dead rabbit she ate last Monday. I should write a whole separate post about the vet who really pissed me off but I don’t want to get angry again. I just wonder how is it possible that most vets I meet have pretty much no idea how to treat dogs. It’s like they don’t have any classes on dog behavior or body language at school. The guy yesterday started to quote Cesar Milan (and  do not care if I misspelled his name), and I just wanted to kick him in the face. You would expect that someone who had to get a higher education to to their job would at least try to look at actual scientific findings about dogs, and not listen to self made moron with a penis complex.

Chili is getting better, but Salma on another hand is a bit restless. I think she really needs a long walk and a proper play time. I will take her to a park tomorrow morning so she can have a proper run.




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